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Jeremy Brenn featured in Y.C. Magazine

Recently, Jeremy Brenn was featured in Y.C. Magazine, a publication of York College of Pennsylvania. York College’s Center for Professional Excellence asked Jeremy to provide professional insight in a question and answer format as a means to prepare soon-to-be graduates for the workplace. Included below is a transcript of the article:

Q: How did your York College experience help you develop as a professional?

york-college-magazineThe York College experience afforded me the ability to grow as a person in a way that was not available to me in prior years. The social and academic experiences I was involved in at YCP helped to develop my character in a way that allows me to interact with confidence and poise in a professional setting.

Q: Professionals often put the needs of others first. What helps you to put your clients first?

First and foremost, because of the way Sensenig Capital is structured, as an independent registered investment advisor, we are required to operate in a fiduciary capacity for our clients. Additionally, as a CFP®, I am required to uphold an even more rigorous standard of client care. However, the most meaningful reason that I put my clients first is because I have a duty to serve them to the best of my ability in a way that is courteous, respectful and honest.

Q: Today — more than ever — employers value integrity. What advice would you give a newly minted YCP grad on cultivating integrity in the workplace?

Much has been written on the value of integrity, but I would advise new graduates to always be mindful of keeping your word. If you commit to a project, task, contract, etc., make sure to follow through on the responsibility you have been given.

In a world where people are so busy and businesses often let their customers or clients down, it’s not hard to cultivate integrity by keeping your word on a consistent basis.

Q: Within today’s competitive environment it is important to be a lifelong learner. What do you do to learn new skills, stay on top of industry changes and enhance your marketability?

I do many different things to stay current. For one, I am required to keep earning continuing education credits as a commitment to my CFP® designation. Furthermore, I spend a lot of time reading on topics specific to my industry and also attending conferences as a way to learn from my peers. In my opinion, an active commitment to lifelong learning can give YCP grads an edge in the workplace.

Q: As a professional, how do you “give back” to your community?

I mainly give back by offering my time to organizations that have significantly impacted my life. I serve within my church, my national fraternity, and I support York College in various ways. I also utilize my professional skills by serving on the board of directors at a local nonprofit retirement community.